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Healthy Snack Ideas for Firefighters…

Everyone (especially around the firehouse) loves a good snack.  But what actually is a “good” snack for firefighters. If you ask some firefighters, they will define a good snack as something that tastes great(usually with lots of sugar) but doesn’t fill you up like a meal.  If your stomach starts rumbling and lunch is still two hours away, you’re going to need a snack to make it through the day. As a fire rescue athlete you must remember  that the foods you eat at snack time can make a big difference in your energy level, decision making, performance, and overall health.  Choose the wrong snack, and you’ll feel dragged down, tired and cloudy.  Choose wisely, and you’ll get the boost and performance you need. Choose your snacks wisely, you never know when you will need the extra energy. Before your next snack break, think twice about what you are about to…

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Firefighter Fitness- 5 Ways to Reduce Workout Injuries…

Some people know exactly when it happened. They may have heard a pop in their shoulder, or felt like someone slapped them hard across the back of their leg. For others, it wasn’t a sudden snap that sidelined their workouts; it was just gradual overuse that caused joints or muscles to wear down and eventually start to fail. No matter what or where it happens, firefighters are getting injured working out.    If you’ve injured yourself during a weight lifting workout, you first thought it “what did I do wrong” followed by some “expletives.”  There is some irony getting injured in the weight room, especially as a fire rescue athlete.  After all, your working out to avoid injuries (or at least you should be). In today’s post I wanted to give you five easy ways to avoid injuries during your next workout.  Please take note of these, they can may help…

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The FRF Ultimate 9/11 Tribute Challenge Workout

Every year around September 11th I like to take a moment and reflect on the significance of the day and honor those that sacrificed (and continue to sacrifice to this day).  I truly believe that one of the best ways to honor those that paid the ultimate sacrifice is to put forth the effort to be the “best” we can be at our profession.  Training to be our best, not only physically but mentally as well… I created this workout to help motivate me (and other fire rescue athletes) to stay in shape.  I encourage you to do this workout, share your results and challenge others to do the same, at least once a year (on September 11th).    This “tribute” workout is difficult but has a great significance to September 11th.  There are previous versions of the workout, you can see them by clicking here. This workout challenges you…

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Try This Challenging Firefighter Core Exercise…

I love a good challenge.  Lately around the firehouse I’ve been challenging my crew with new workouts and exercises.  One exercise that is fairly difficult has become a crew favorite.  The 4-point Opposite Arm/ Leg Raise is a great exercise to strengthen the core, the shoulders and help develop better balance and coordination.  Check out the video below and Give it a try! I like to perform this exercise during my active warm-ups at least 2x per week.  For more suggestions on how to use this exercise in a Firefighter Workout Program click here. Stay safe and Get FRF! Aaron Zamzow

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Firefighter Progressive Body Weight Workout.

Total Body “Progressive” Body weight Challenge Workout. I get a lot of requests for example workouts from the various Fire Rescue Fitness Programs.  This is one of the workouts you will find in the FRF Fat Loss for Firefighters Workout Program (click here to read more about this workout used by thousands of firefighters).  It is a great Firefighter Body weight workout that doesn’t require a lot of equipment and is very efficient (like you need to be on a fire/rescue scene).   Give this a try! You must perform the active warm-up first.  This warm-up will increase your core temperature, improve range of motion and get you ready for the workout.  (Click here for a quick overview of the warm-up exercises). Perform 2 circuits of the following 5 exercises: 1.  Chops (5-10 reps) 2.  Knee Hugs (5-10 reps each) 3.  Spidermans (5-10 reps each) 4.  Knees side to side…

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Stop Exercising! And Start Training for Optimal Firefighter Fitness…

Yes you read that correctly! Before I worked as a firefighter, I was a trainer in both large and small health clubs.  During that time I would see a lot of people exercising consistently and with good intensity but only make a limited amount of fitness progress.  Why? Because we are all creatures of habit in the gym and out.  These “snail paced progress” gym goers were all doing the same thing… exercising, not training.  And yes, their is a difference. What is Exercising? Exercise… is a physical activity performed for the effect it produces today — right now.    Each workout is performed for the purpose of producing a stress that satisfies the immediate needs of the exerciser: burning some calories, “blow off steam,”  relieve mental stress, pump up the biceps, etc.  Exercise may well involve doing exactly the same thing every time you do it, as long as it accomplishes the…

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P90x for Firefighter Fitness- The Good, The Bad, The Ugly?

It’s often said that any movement is better than no movement at all.  I personally have to agree with that statement, I think its imperative that everyone (especially Fire Rescue Athletes) are active.  The big question milling about in the Fire Rescue field is what is the most effective type of activity for firefighters?  Ideally, we should be performing movements that support, enable, and enhance our physical skills and add to the quality of life. Our exercises should make us stronger, faster, and more capable of accomplishing just about any physical feat a “job” throws at us. One of the more popular programs floating around firehouses these days is P90X.  P90X is the extensive fitness program from Beach Body fitness created by Tony Horton that claims it can get you “ripped in 90 days….guaranteed.” Does it work?  Maybe, but as Firefighters, EMTs and Paramedics we need to be more than just…

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On-shift Firefighter Interval Workout

I get a lot of emails asking for good workout options for the firehouse when on-shift. Working out on-shift is a major concern, you want to make sure you keep your body in good “fit for duty” condition but also want to make sure you have enough “left in the tank” to respond and perform in an actual response.  Over the last couple of years I have toyed with various workouts on shift; high intensity, heavy lifting, stretching only, and even some yoga.  I have found that interval workouts are not only the most effective but a great way to incorporate fireground movements (steps, crawls, sledges, drags, lifts, carries, and some core). Here is an example of a on-shift workout that I did with my crew. Active Warm-up Perform 2 circuits.  Set an interval timer for 35 seconds of movement with 5 seconds between to transition  (click the red link below…

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Challenging Firefighter Crew Workout Option…

Total Body “CREW” Challenge Workout. Here is a great assessment and/ or workout to challenge your entire body.  The workout does not require a lot of equipment so you can do it at the firehouse (or your house).  You can substitute these exercises if you want based on your available equipment. You must perform the active warm-up first.  This warm-up will increase your core temperature, improve range of motion and get you ready for the workout.  (Click here for a quick overview of the warm-up exercises). Perform 2 circuits of the following 5 exercises: 1.  Chops (5-10 reps) 2.  Knee Hugs (5-10 reps each) 3.  Spidermans (5-10 reps each) 4.  Knees side to side (5-10 reps each) 5.  Quadraped Rotations (5-10 reps each) After completing the warm-up go right into the workout.   The goal is to perform as many reps as possible of each exercise in 2 minutes.  Rest 1…

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