The FRF Ultimate 9/11 Tribute Challenge Workout

ultimate-tribute-workout-9-11-version-2Every year around September 11th I like to take a moment and reflect on the significance of the day and honor those that sacrificed (and continue to sacrifice to this day).  I truly believe that one of the best ways to honor those that paid the ultimate sacrifice is to put forth the effort to be the “best” we can be at our profession.  Training to be our best, not only physically but mentally as well…

I created this workout to help motivate me (and other fire rescue athletes) to stay in shape.  I encourage you to do this workout, share your results and challenge others to do the same, at least once a year (on September 11th).    This “tribute” workout is difficult but has a great significance to September 11th.  There are previous versions of the workout, you can see them by clicking here.

This workout challenges you to run stairs and complete 343 reps of various strength exercises.  You can perform this workout with just the 343 reps if you don’t have access to stairs.  Or, you can add the stair climbs (if you have access to them) and perform 343 reps of various strength exercises.

Before you begin this workout, like every workout, perform an active warm-up (click here for a video overview of the warm-up.)

Active warm-up.  

Perform for each exercise for the prescribed number of reps with no rest between exercises for 2 circuits.

Active warm-up (perform for 30 seconds or 10 reps of each exercise for 2 circuits with no rest between exercises)

  1. Standing Chops (5 reps)
  2. Arms Up Squats  (10 reps)
  3. Step forward toe touches (5 reps each side)
  4. Inverted hamstrings (5 reps each side)
  5. Spidermans (5 reps each side)
  6. Knees side to side (5 reps each side)

(Repeat for a total of 2 circuits)

Now that your body is properly “primed”…its on to the workout.   All you need for this workout are some steps (or a step-mill) and a way to do pull-ups or body rows.  You should time the workout from the first step to the last so you can track your fitness progress from year to year.
Variations:  You can vary the workout based on your available equipment–run bleachers or do step ups, if you don’t have a step-mill or substitute out some of the strength exercises.  You can run a stairway up and down or run it for 3 minutes.  You may also want to cut the reps in half and perform half of or a variation of the steps.  I encourage you to make the workout significant to yourself, your crew, your department.  This is a great way to honor and remember those that sacrificed on this day.
Rest when you feel you need to (try to keep it at a minimum),  go from exercise to exercise at your own pace.  Have fun and remember the significance.

The workout — (Click here for a FREE Printable Overview of the Workout)

Perform all the reps of these exercises then run the stairs (1 or 2 flights) based on your level of fitness.    The goal is to complete all the stairs and all reps of the exercises in the fastest time possible.

  1. Perform 50 Push-upsultimate-9-11-tribute-challenge-workout-overview-pic
    • Run 1 or 2 flights of Stairs (up to 3 minutes) then:
  2. Perform 50 Prisoner Squats
    • Run 1 or 2 flights of Stairs (up to 3 minutes) then:
  3. Perform 50 Plank Pulses
    • Run 1 or 2 flights of Stairs (up to 3 minutes) then:
  4. Perform 50 lunges (25 each leg)
    • Run 1 or 2 flights of Stairs (up to 3 minutes) then:
  5. Perform 50 body Rows
    • Run 1 or 2 flights of Stairs (up to 3 minutes) then:
  6. Perform 50 Bent over Y- raises
    • Run 1 or 2 flights of Stairs (up to 3 minutes) then:
  7. Perform 43 Burpees

Record your time…. then pass out (just kidding).

Take a moment to understand the significance of the workout and to make a pledge (as a firefighter or as a person) to strive to improve your level of fitness (or at least maintain) from year to year. 

Give this challenge a try.  Please comment your times and variations and SHARE with your friends and crew members. NEVER FORGET.
Stay Safe and Healthy,
Aaron Zamzow


 Did you look at the above workout and think…”no way?”  If you followed the Ultimate Fire Athlete Workout Program you know you could do it.  Get in the shape of your life and fit for duty today (Click Here to get started).

Take a look at the results other Fire Rescue Athletes are getting with the FRF Ultimate Fire Rescue Workout

Lisa Charbonneau Pics “I happened to be on Facebook one day and Fire Rescue Fitness popped up in my newsfeed, I followed the link and found a wall full of different workouts. I followed the page and began trying anything new that was posted. I then saw “The Ultimate Fire Rescue Athlete” program and after doing some reading about it I was hooked.

I started the challenge on January 1, 2016 at 118 lbs. I am now 121 lbs. The numbers don’t really speak volumes compared to my success in my appearance and my abilities. My biceps gained one inch of muscle, which I really notice when I raise my arms to put my hair into a pony tail. My abdomen muscles are more defined now, than ever before.  When I first started I was able to run 5 km in 38 minutes and now I can run it in 32 minutes.

I really enjoyed the combination exercises; these are nothing like I have ever done before. I notice my endurance in just walking up large sets of stairs is no problem (even when carrying heavy things). I don’t notice the extra weight of my gear and carrying a pack on my back to be a big deal anymore. I also can work harder and longer before losing my breath and feeling fatigued. This workout changed my life, I look forward to doing it again with alternative movements, I won’t be caught exercising anymore because I now know that training is what I would rather be doing always changing, always improving. “

Thanks Aaron and FRF! –Lisa Charbonneau

Take a look at the results Doug Franklin achieved using the FRF Ultimate Fire Rescue Athlete Workout..

ffd challenge Doug FrainklinLast summer, at the age of 43, while training for my fourth marathon I experience pain in my knee that sidelined me. After visiting the with my doctor I was told that I no longer had a meniscus in my right knee and that arthritis was so severe that I needed to stop running. This was tough for me to handle. First, the pain was an issue. Second how was I going to stay fit for duty? Running, at the level that I was running burnt a lot of calories. Not running at all caused me to put on weight as well. I saw my weight climb to almost 200 lbs in just a few months.

I came across the Ultimate Fire Athlete Workout and thought I would give it a try. I began the program on January 11th at 198 lbs. I had a 34 in waist. I just finished the 12 week program and I am now 170 lbs and have a 30 in. waist! 28 lbs weight loss and 4 inches!

I am in as good a shape as I ever was while running marathons and have added muscle in my arms, chest and abs that running never gave me. I have gained the strength and core balance that I need to do my job as a firefighter as well restored my cardiovascular fitness level.

I would also add that my knee is feeling wonderful. I did most of my cardio days on a bike or elliptical, I am able to do the sprint challenges and all of the overhauls no problem. The workout worked well for and with my knee pain issues. It also worked great with my schedule. I could get in and out and was also able to work it in while on shift.”

Thanks Aaron for an Awesome Program!  –Doug Franklin

Click Here to read more and Get started today with the “FRF Ultimate Fire Athlete” downloadable package, and receive this cutting edge program along with $139.96 worth of FREE bonuses!

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