firefighter fat loss

On-Duty Firefighter (Fire Rescue) Workout…

By Aaron Zamzow (ZAM) | Mar 21, 2014

I get a lot of requests for workouts that can be performed on duty with equipment found at the firehouse. The other day, my crew and I performed this intensive 30 minute interval workout.  This workout will get your heart racing, challenge your core and work your muscles. The workout consists of three, 10 minute…

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Tabata Workouts for Firefighters

By Aaron Zamzow (ZAM) | Mar 18, 2014

Have you heard of Tabata?  This is an unusual style workout floating around a lot of gyms and firehouses lately.  I wanted to explain what it is and  how we, as fire rescue athletes, can incorporate it into an effective workout. “Tabata” is the name of a particular type of workout program that provides increased…

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Firefighter Nutrition Tip…Don't Eat This

By Aaron Zamzow (ZAM) | Mar 14, 2014

Try to follow this eating pattern! Don’t Eat this Sweetener… One of the most evil products that is present in huge quantities in our food supply these days is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS). Products that contain HFCS are highly modified from their natural state by mass processing to satisfy economical and/or food preservation needs.…

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Firefighter Fitness Predictions for 2014

By Aaron Zamzow (ZAM) | Feb 9, 2014

Now everyone loves predictions and I’m no stranger.  After over 20 years in the fitness industry, I’ve seen my fair share of trends (remember leg warmers and step aerobics…).  Well, this year I’m going to put my experience to work and create some predictions.   Take a look! 2014 Fitness Prediction #1 – Shorter, High Intensity …

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10 Simple Rules For Fat Loss (2014 Edition)

By Aaron Zamzow (ZAM) | Jan 3, 2014

Would you agree that a leaner athlete is a better athlete?  I know this is a “loaded” question.  A lot of the answer has to deal with the sport in which the athlete is participating.  One thing that research shows is that a leaner athlete is a “more efficient” athlete.  When it comes to firefighters,…

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Firefighter Fitness- Is CrossFit it?

By Aaron Zamzow (ZAM) | Dec 7, 2013

After reading the comments and getting responses to my posts about p90X, I decided it would be a perfect time to dissect the CrossFit fad that is popular in firehouses around the country.  I’ve worked in the fitness industry for over 20 years and have seen a lot of “fads” come and go.  Not to age myself…

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Fire Rescue Athlete Post Holiday Workout

By Aaron Zamzow (ZAM) | Nov 30, 2013

Happy post Thanksgiving!  I hope you enjoyed the Holiday and carry the “thankful” attitude through the holiday season.  I do not hope you carry the extra weight and lethargy that can occur during the Holidays.  Yes, it is that time of the year where we have a tendency to overindulge and workouts seem to take…

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Firefighter Fitness- does P90X work?

By Aaron Zamzow (ZAM) | Nov 22, 2013

It’s often said that any movement is better than no movement at all.  I personally have to agree with that statement, I think its imperative that everyone (especially FireRescue Athletes) are active.  The big question milling about in the Fire Rescue field is what is the most effective type of activity for firefighters?  Ideally, we should…

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Firefighter Cardio Interval Workout

By Aaron Zamzow (ZAM) | Oct 16, 2013

I have had a of of requests for quick workouts that can be done with minimal equipment.  Here is a re-post of one of my more popular cardio interval workouts I created for a firefighter/medic that has no equipment and only some stairs and a parking lot. This can be used as a cardio interval…

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