How to GET FRF this Year!
The Five Steps Every First Responder Must Take to Improve Their Fitness in 2021.
This is the time of the year that we all have a tendency to reflect on the past and set goals for the next year. If one of your goals is to get leaner, stronger, and more fit for duty, I want to help you.
Here are five steps you need to take to make fitness progress this year.
1.. Lose your excuses. We all have them, stop letting them stand in your way. Lose your excuses in 2020 and decide to commit to your fitness.
2.. Get/ create a plan. This is where most people fail. Don't just start working out by doing the "workout of the day" or your "buddies" plan. Find a workout program that will help you accomplish your goals and will work with your lifestyle. FRF can help you with this step. Look below for a special code and offer.
3.. Eat like an athlete. You can't out-train a bad diet. Fitness progress happens in the gym and the kitchen. Make sure you prepare your meals, watch for added sugars, hydrate and mind your portions.
4.. Get support. Get your crew and family on-board with your commitment to get more fit. You would be surprised how many people will join you.
5.. Execute your plan. Make sure to carve out time for your workouts, eat like an athlete and make progress every day. Get FRF. The key to your fitness success is consistency. Stop looking for quick fixes and fad diets, commit to making workouts and good nutrition a part of your lifestyle.
If you need a program and resources, continually check out the Fire Rescue Fitness Blog for help (click here for the blog).
Again, wishing you a happy and healthy New Year. Let me know how I can help you accomplish your fitness goals in 2020.
-Aaron "ZAM" Zamzow
PS- If you are looking for a complete workout program and plan including the new FRF app, I have you covered. I just launched the NEW GET FRF Challenge which includes everything you need to get FRF (workout program, workout app, eating guidelines, meal plan, recipes, and coaching). And, this year I am including a FRF SHIRT, FRF COMMITMENT BRACELET AND SWAG to all those that enter... ALL PROGRAMS ALSO INCLUDE AT-HOME WORKOUT OPTIONS!
USE CODE: GETFRF10 for a SPECIAL Discount!

Great points and set goals 5k,tri etc.