Get Paid to Get Fire Rescue Fit in 2016!


Fit for duty challenge 2016 banner version (deadline)

Over $2,500 in cash and prizes will be given away to Firefighters, EMTs and Medics! 

YOU can Win and more importantly Motivate Others!  Don’t wait, get your program and get started today!

The purpose of the contest is to motivate Firefighters, EMTs and Medics to change the unhealthy culture of the fire service.   Statistics show that the obesity rate in firefighters is higher than the general population.  Sadly, firefighters are more likely to die from a heart attack or stroke than in a fire related incident.

WE MUST CREATE a HEALTHY CULTURE IN THE FIRE SERVICE as lives, communities and our families are counting us!

Take the “fit for duty” challenge, get others in your department involved and help change the fire service industry!

See the complete entry instructions below.   

Deadline to submit your entry: April 15th, 2016 Good luck!


Rules of the 2016 FRF “Fit for Duty” Challenge Contest

Important Dates:

  • The Contest officially starts on January 1st, 2016 (this is the first day to officially start your program) and the final day to submit entries is April 15th, 2016 at midnight CST.  The maximum length of your fitness program is 12-weeks.  For example, if you start on January 1st you finish on March 25th–take  your pictures (or final assessments) and submit your entry essay and results between March 25th and April 15th.  If you start on Jan 15th, you finish on April 15th. You then take your final photos and must submit your entry essay and photos before April 15th at midnight.   You can start your program any time before March 17th (there is a minimum of 28-days), but you won’t have a full 12-weeks to make progress.

Contestant Entry Requirements (please read carefully):

1.   There is no fee to enter the challenge.  However, in order to be eligible to enter the 2016 FRF “Fit for Duty” Challenge Contest, you must train with one of the FRF Workout Programs (see suggested workout programs) for a minimum of 4 weeks .  All entry forms must be completed and submitted (via the email entry links by midnight April 15th, 2016).

 **Upon completion of your Fire Rescue Fitness Workout  purchase you will be emailed more details on the Challenge.  Previous FRF customers (people who purchased in the last year) were emailed details on entering.**  


Suggested Workout Programs

(You must use at least use one of these programs to qualify for the Challenge)

Here is a  video overview of the contest (please share!)

Contest Judging:   Once we’ve received all the contest entries (essays and photos), the FRF Team will then choose the TOP 5 finalists.  Top 5 finalists will be chosen based off of measured results (pictures, weight loss, body fat loss) and essay (inspiration).    These 5 finalists will then be posted to the Fire Rescue Fitness Website and Facebook Page for public voting.

Voting Process:
Voting will continue for 5 days, at which point final places will be determined.  Winners will be notified via EMAIL and announced on the FRF FACEBOOK page and website.

Winners Raffle:  Even if you don’t make it to the top 5 you can win prizes! Contestants that submit an entry are automatically entered in the winner’s raffle.  Raffle names will be drawn randomly and announced on the FRF Facebook page and  There will be over $1000 in Winners Raffle Prizes Given.


Prizes are as follows:  

      • 1st Prize $300 plus an e-book copy of the 28-day Quickstart Program Personalized for your Fire Department (that can be distributed throughout the department as a fitness training manual) 
      • 2nd Prize $250 plus an e-book copy of the 28-day Quickstart Program Personalized for your Fire Department (that can be distributed throughout the department as a fitness training manual) 
      • 3rd Prize$200 plus an e-book copy of the 28-day Quickstart Program Personalized for your Fire
        Department (that can be distributed throughout the department as a fitness training manual) 
      • 4th Prize $150
      • 5th Prize $100
  • Plus, there will be one Motivational Entry awarded ($200 each) to the Fire Rescue Athletes that motivates others in their crew and department to follow a Fit for Duty Lifestyle.  This entry will be voted on by the committee and the FRF Facebook Page.
  • AND, 20 entries will be randomly selected in the Winners Raffle to win over $1000 in prizes (FRF T-shirts, helmet stickers and apparel, AMAZON gift certificates and much, much more). ** If you are interested in sponsoring and would like to donate prizes to the challenge, you can contact Aaron by clicking here.

**Prize number and amounts can and will be increased due to demand of the contest.  The more people to participate, the more $$$$ and prizes to win!  Please share the contest with others!**

Pointers for the contest: 

Essay Pointers:  A 2000-character maximum essay about your fitness journey to get fit for duty.  Here’s a list of questions that would be good to answer in your essay. These aren’t mandatory but they are a nice guide:

      • Why did you join the FRF “Fit for Duty” Challenge?
      • What results did you see during the Challenge? Weight loss? Fat loss?
      • What was the biggest change for you after using the Fire Rescue Fitness Workouts?
      • What did you like best about the FRF workouts?
      • How is your life and career better after the FRF “Fit for Duty” Challenge?
      • What FRF workouts did you use?
      • How did you achieve your success?  Did you motivate others on your department and/or crew?

Although “Before” and “After” Photos and “Before” and “After” Measurements are not required to enter they are HIGHLY ENCOURAGED to help the judges decide the winners. Here are some great “Before” and “After” photo/ measurement instructions.

Measurements:  Take your measurements the morning of the photo shoot, or the day before.  Don’t go with measurements that are more than a week old.  At the very least, weigh yourself and take measurements of your thighs, hips and waist.  For more detail, measure even more spots, such as calf, chest, biceps, weight loss, etc.  I highly recommend taking your body fat percentageClick here for a great resource on fitness testing and body composition.

Fitness Assessments:  Another option to assess your health is to  perform some physical assessments, take them in the beginning of your program and at the end to measure progress.  Click here for a great 5 exercise Fire Rescue Fitness Assessment.

Photos:  Pick an uncluttered spot for your photo shoot, either in front of a wall or in front of a door.  Take the photo in portrait mode instead of landscape.  You’ll want to see yourself from head to toes, close enough to see some details.  If you can get someone to take the shots, great!  If not, use a timer—and a tripod, if you have one.  I find 10 seconds is just enough time to get into place.  Look straight ahead, and smile if you want,  but don’t cheat by sucking in your gut.

Here is an example:

ffd challenge reiley g

You can see the 2015 FRF Fit for Duty Finalists by clicking here.

You can take all different kinds of poses, front, side and back shot.

Upload the photos to your computer and place them in a folder marked with the date and remember where you stored them. If you don’t track your measurements anywhere else, create a document listing the date, weight and your measurements.

How often you take “after” photos is up to you. I’d recommend once a month, and then on the last day of the” Fit for Duty” Challenge. Take the pictures, measurements or tests in the same spot and under the same circumstances, if possible.

Have Questions about the FRF “Fit for Duty” Contest?  You can email Aaron Zamzow (



Contest Regulations:

    • The Contest Sponsor’s rulings are final and without appeal in all matters related to this Contest and the awarding of the Prizes. The Contest is subject to all applicable federal, provincial and municipal laws and regulations.
    • All entries become the property of the Contest Sponsor and will not be returned.
    • Contest Sponsor, its advertising and promotion agencies assume no responsibility for lost, stolen, delayed, damaged, illegible, incomplete, postage-due, garbled or misdirected entries or entries that have been submitted through illicit means, or do not conform to or satisfy the Contest Rules or for any problems or technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, access providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any entry to be received or traffic congestion on the internet or at any website, or any combination thereof including any injury or damage to an entrant’s or any other person’s computer related to or resulting from playing or downloading any material in the contest.
    • If you enter, you may be added to the Fire Rescue Fitness email marketing list (you can opt out at anytime)..
    • The Contest Sponsor reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to modify, cancel or suspend this Contest should an external circumstances arise which are beyond the reasonable control of the Contest Sponsor. The Contest Sponsor is not responsible for any errors or omissions in printing or advertising this Contest.
    • The Contest Sponsor collects your personal information for the purposes of registration, program evaluation and to keep you informed about The Challenge. The Contest Sponsor may, if consent was given during registration, also contact you from time to time with information about other ways you can accomplish your fitness goals.
    • The Contest Sponsor will not share any personal data about entrants with any other party. The personal data collected for this Contest will not be used for any other purposes unless entrants provide explicit permission as indicated on the entry form.
    • By entering this Contest, entrants agree to release and hold harmless the Contest Sponsor and their respective employees, officers, directors, agents, representatives, successors, assigns, advertising and promotional agencies from any liability for any loss or damage of any kind to the entrant or any other person in connection with this Contest or participation in any Contest related activities, including but not limited the taking of a urine test or, if declared a winner, the use or misuse of a prize or any portion of a prize including personal injury, death or property damage.
    • This Contest will run in accordance with these Contest Rules, subject to amendment by the Contest Sponsor. Contest Sponsor reserves the right to cancel, amend, modify or terminate this Contest or the Rules at any time in its sole discretion and without notice.
    • Entrants must comply with these rules, and will be deemed to have received and understood the rules if they participate in the Contest.


  1. pat jackson on March 15, 2016 at 9:52 am

    Ready to get started

    • Zamzowfitness on March 15, 2016 at 10:04 am

      Awesome Pat. All you need to do is start one of our FRF workouts…Today. Please let me know if you have questions.

  2. Big T on March 15, 2016 at 7:47 pm

    Ready to get started

  3. Lorraine Shields on March 16, 2018 at 3:28 am

    I need to get healthy d loose weight i.e. to health issues including HRS adult stills disease and hip surgery sling with chronic pain

    • Zamzowfitness on March 21, 2018 at 7:14 pm

      Let me know how I can help Lorraine. We have different program options for different levels of fitness.

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